Vacation Bible School 

July 24th - 28th  2023  
9:00am - Noon

PreK - 6th Grade

In this world of I wants and all about me, Kids Can S.E.R.V.E. VBS is designed to give kids the opportunity to actively discover what it is to be Gods servant. Students will learn that hard work can be done with a SMILE as they EMBRACE a personal relationship with the Lord. As followers of Christ they can REACH OUT to others, study the word of God becoming VERSED in His truth (the Bible). Ultimately kids will be empowered to know they are ENOUGH and living a life with a servant’s heart is the best kind of living. This week will be filled with valuable life lessons, awesome songs, exciting stories, problem solving, interactive crafts,  daily snacks, prizes, water slides and tons of fun.


Come One... Come All... 
Registration Cost:
Early Bird Registration now through May 15th $20.00
Early Registration May 16th - June 15th $25.00
Registration June 16th - July 15th $30.00
Registration after July 15th $35.00
There are many ways to serve in Kids Can VBS, it takes a lot of work to make this awesome week happen. There is a place for you on our team, even if you can not attend during the week.


  • Decoration Team
  • Main Leader (host a specific activity for the week)
  • Counselor (9th grade and up - to lead a group of Campers)
  • Jr Counselor (grades 7th & 8th)
  • Tear Down Team
  • Prep Team ( This would include preparing all activities for the week prior to VBS week)
  • Adult Helper (General Assistance in all areas)
  • Photographer during the week of VBS

Contact Us

We would love to hear from you. Please fill out the form below and we will get back to you.