Beginning January 20th 

Monday's @ 6:30pm in Conf. Rm A

Grief Share meets for 13 sessions. We will meet each Monday of the month beginning August 12th.  We will not be meeting the 2nd Mondays of each month, please see schedule for any changes. We are a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences.  You may start at any time. You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone. 
Class Dates:
1/20 - Week 1
1/27- Week 2
2/3 - Week 3
2/17 -  Week 4
2/24 - Week 5
3/3 -Week 6
3/17 - Week 7 
Class Dates:
3/24 - Week 8
3/31 - Week9
4/7 - Week 10
4/21 - Week 11
4/28- Week 12
5/5 - Week 13