Fighting Fear - Week 4 :: Easter Sunday
April 12th, 2020
The Resurrection is more than just a historical event, it is life altering and is applicable for us today. What areas of your life can experience its life changing power?......
Fighting Fear - Good Friday
April 10th, 2020
What a time to Reflect and Remember the tremendous cost that Christ paid for my sins. His seven last statements help us to examine ourselves in light of His Great Love......
Fighting Fear - Week 3
April 5th, 2020
A lot of times fear surrounds us and we can't see how we could possibly triumph over it. On that first Palm Sunday, You typically don't think of fear as a theme. But, when we look closer at the story, if we were there, would we be as brave as the disciples listening to Jesus when told to go get a donkey? Would we be as loving and as confident as Jesus knowing the trials that faced Him in the week ...
Fighting Fear - Week 2
March 29th, 2020
Everybody wants to be able to be certain with what is going to happen. When we don't know what is going to happen, that uncertainty can cause us to fear. How can we "build our house" on the Rock, and experience God's Certainty ......
Fighting Fear - Week 1
March 22nd, 2020
With most of the world in a state of flux over the CoronaVirus you can't deny these are strange time we are in. When there is this much uncertainty that leaves the door open for a lot of Fear to enter our lives. How can I fight the Fear that so easily seems to grip me from every facet of life......