We are excited to celebrate Easter together with you.

Good Friday Online Service: 

When: April 15th, 2022
Time: 7:00pm
Where: Online (live.nbschurch.com)
What: Good Friday Service is a time when we reflect on the sacrifices made for us by Jesus. It's Friday but Sunday is coming.


When: April 17th, 2022
Time: 10am
Where: InPerson & Online (live.nbschurch.com)
What: Celebration service Sunday morning. Worship, Teaching, basically all the normal things.


When: Sunday April 17th , 2022
Time: 11:30am (after service)
Where: Outside Grass Area
Who: Ages 1-12 years old
What: An exciting plastic Easter Egg Hunt where each child will collect candy filled eggs and enjoy jumping in one of our bounce houses.  


Easter is one of our favorite times of the year!
It is the time we get to focus and reflect on the death and resurrection of Jesus


Lent is the 46 days before Easter Sunday. Just as we take time to prepare for other events in our personal lives; from weddings, birthdays, or any other celebration. Lent calls us to prepare to our hearts, minds, and lives and focus on the amazing love Jesus showed us through His Death & Resurection.

Palm Sunday

This marks the Sunday before Easter, where Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. The crowd honored and praised him by laying down palm branches and clothing as a sign of respect. It is also the start of Holy Week.

Good Friday

Friday is the day we Celebrate the Death of Jesus on the cross for our sins. Wait, how can a day be good if it is about death?  While yes this is a very somber celebration, it is "good" because it is the moment where the cost of our sin was paid in full, for all eternity.

Easter Sunday

Often referred as the Super-bowl weekend at church. This is day to party and really celebrate. Why? well because on the third day Jesus didn't stay in the grave. He conquered death, proving that He was not just a man with some good wise stories and teachings, but is fully God and fully man, who's death on Friday wasn't just some dude who died on a cross, but God taking on flesh becoming man paying the price for our sin, and how lives and invites us into a relationship with him. Would you place your faith, love, devotion, worries, hopes, and life into a god that didn't love you personally enough to die for you, and that wasn't capable or had the power to conquer death?